Sunday, 21 August 2016

A God of 180 degrees transformation

during worship this morning I was struck once again by the amazing transformation God does. The comparison of where I was and what He has done for me. Amazing God!

A God of transformation...... Life changing. God of the 180 degrees turn around. From fear to confidence. From lost to found. From trapped to freedom. From weak to strong. From anxious to having a peace-giver. From death to life. From lack to plenty. From poor to rich. From rags to splendour. From pit to mountain top. He has done it all. From destined for punishment to liberated. From deserving wrath to overwhelmed with love. From the gutter to the throne room. From orphan to adopted. From not being allowed to enter to free, unhindered access. My heart broken to restored, healed, forgiven, redeemed, saved to life; life in freedom; life in abundance; life in confidence in all that my Saviour achieved for me.
He has done it all, won it all, achieved it all, sealed it all, completed it all. Mighty mighty mighty. Holy holy holy. Worthy worthy worthy.

Thursday, 18 August 2016

The Bible on the Bible

At The Church we go to, Crawley Community Church, they have been doing a summer series on the Bible. I have really enjoyed the series so far and it got me thinking. What does the Bible say about the Bible, the Word of God? So I took some time looking at Scripture and this is what I came up with. It is not an exhaustive list but it really blessed me!

The Bible, God's Word is God-breathed, useful, it thoroughly equips, it trains, we need to keep His Word. The Word of God stands forever. His Word is worthy of praise! It judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.  The Word is living, active, sharper than a double edge sword. His Word is a lamp to our feet, a light for our pathway - it gives guidance and clarity.  It gives strength, it is trustworthy, it is to be delighted in, it keeps us from shame, it helps us not to sin.  It is something to long for, it gives us hope, it causes hearts to tremble. His Word is fruitful, it accomplishes what God wants it to, it gives life, it has an affect on us to the point others will rejoice when they see that affect!  His Word is the sword of the Spirit, signs accompany it, His Word should be held on to, it is a pleasure to those who listen to the Lord.  It is near us - in our speech and in our hearts.  God's Word is the source of life, a source of hope.  It is a life changer! It needs to be handled correctly.  In obeying the Word God's love is truly made complete in us.  It is sent forth by God, it is to be preached, it is for correction, teaching, rebuking, encouragement, is vital to be our source of guidance.  It is to be proclaimed, the Word was from the start; from the very beginning.  As we come to worship we need to prepare our hearts to hear the Word.  Tradition can nullify God's Word in our lives - don't go on what was handed down to you - use His Word as the original source!  Worries and worldliness have a direct impact on its fruitfulness.  When the Word is in us we can't contain it - it burns in our hearts!  God's Word is not to be despised, it should not be rejected. It is fulfilled by the Lord.  The Word of God will not expire, cease or pass away - it will stand forever, it is eternal!

Wow! These are the Scriptures I consulted in this summary..... 2 Tim 3:16, 1 Kings 13:21, Luke 21:33, 1 Sam 15:26, Lam 2:17, Numb 15:31, 1 Chron 10:13, Jer 20:9, Mark 4:19, Mark 7:13, Jer 7:2,Ps 107:20, 2 Tim 4:2, 2 Tim 2:15, 1 John 2:5, James 1:18, Matt 4:4, Ps 130:5, Jer 6:10, 2 Thess 2:15, Rom 10:8, Eph 6:17, Mark 16:20, Eph 6:17, Pro 4:4, Is 55:10-11, Ps 119:6, 11, 14, 16, 28, 42, 74, 105, 114, 133, 161, Heb 4:12, Is 40;8, Ps 56:4

Sunday, 7 August 2016

God neither slumbers nor sleeps!

I had one of those nights where I kept waking up and then being awake really early. I lie in bed thinking of my need for sleep and rest and God's complete 'otherness.' He is beyond the requirement of sleep. After hours we NEED sleep - I can't continue to function, but God doesn't have that problem. No matter what time of day or night you will find Him ready to listen - check out Psalm 121:3 - He neither slumber nor sleeps!!!

God is always available! In life we have people around us that also have an element of being always available to us (limited availability though) - my husband often says if you need me in the night wake me. It was something he said to me frequently when I was going through depression and some dark seasons in my life.  But get this is you can - waking a person up in the middle of the night often disorientates them, it isn't a welcome interruption to their night. What amazes me is that when we go to God - no matter the hour, situation, context or attitude- He, Father God, is delighted to hear our voice to spend that time communing with Him. He is above willing to listen- He is thrilled to listen! He gives you His full attention! Once I woke Malcolm up and asked him to pray for me- he wasn't really awake but his prayer quickly turned to jibberish as he began praying about a quiche!!!!! I laughed but you know Jesus intercedes on our behalf - awake in the night hour or the early hours He will be there to hear you, to speak to you. He loves it! Your God neither slumbers nor sleeps!