Sunday, 5 April 2009

The Battle for Unlearning Law and Living in Grace

After my last blog about grace being confusing I was e-mailing my precious brother in the Lord, Dan Bowen about how tough the battle is for grace and one thing that he said to me really hit me, he said:-

I think it must be because the powers of darkness KNOW that here
is the key to freedom for God's people.

The reason that the battle for grace is that obvious! The enemy does not want us to free, liberated or passionate. I have seen and felt first hand over recent months the adverse reactions physically, mentally and spiritually when grace is preached. The last couple of days there have been other battles in my life - plans that I had made have not happened for one reason or another. I have tried listening to some of Rob Rufus messages from his archive but have been unable (as yet) to get my computer to open any of the files. Again I think that the enemy doesn't want me to hear grace, yesterday afternoon I sat at my craft desk which is right next to our computer and had the grace stream tv resounding round the study for a number of hours. This morning again I have had the grace stream tv on inbetween waiting on my husband (he's not well :-( )and doing things around the house - I am determined to get my brain and heart etc etc tuned in to being used to hearing about grace. I have been amazed at some of what I have heard. My pastor reminded me yesterday that I need to be praying that I would unlearn living in law and actually start praying that instead of the message of grace making me feel unwell that I need to ask the Lord to make the message of legalism detestable to me.
I need to surround myself with people that speak grace over me and I need to hear it and take it on board rather than living under guilt and condemnation because I haven't made the grade........ the journey for living free in grace isn't necessarily easy!!!!!


jul said...

I'll be praying for you! I found coming out of law into grace a very difficult journey as well, but it was and is so worth it!

About the Rob Rufus files, did you extract them after downloading and saving them? They are zip files and if you save one you should be able to right click on it and choose extract, then you should be able to play them. Maybe you've already tried this but I thought I'd throw it out there in case it helps.

Nick Cameron said...

Thanks Hun. God seems to be placing people around me that are really encouraging me in this journey and who seem to have more faith than me that it is possible! :-D
Any tips on unlearning rooted legalism.........

As for Rob Rufus files - When I click on the files nothing seems to happen it just says 'downloading' and does that for ages - nothing happens at all! I might seem if my husband has any ideas - have been trying it on and off for a while!

jul said...

You could try downloading some of Rob's stuff from other websites...Dan could tell you which ones.

I'm trying to write a book of my testimony coming out of law, the first couple of rough chapters are up on my blog...somewhere haha. But really, if you have any questions always feel free to e-mail, though some days I feel back in the thick of things again! I guess that grace hating spirit will never leave us alone, because the more we come into revelation of grace the more dangerous we are to the kingdom of darkness!

My only tip is to feast on grace, either through preaching, reading books, or Scripture of course. And if a Scripture stumps you, ask God for revelation and don't worry about it, and my favorite advice from Rob on that is "don't let an unclear scripture rob you of the joy of a clear scripture". Many many blessings and much freedom to you on your journey!

Joel Brueseke said...

Hi Nick,

I know I've seen you around the internet, commenting on other blogs, etc, but I can't quite remember if I've ever commented here before. Anyway, I've had your blog in my feed reader for some time now, and I know we have some common friends. :)

Just wanted to encourage you in your journey out of law! There is much unlearning to do (depending upon how deeply rooted a person has been), and a lot of re-learning to do, and takes time. "It is good that the heart be established by grace" means that we need to get unrooted from whatever opposes grace!

Just allow yourself time. And as you say... immersing yourself in great grace teaching! In addition to grace stream tv, I highly recommend Grace Walk Internet radio, which is 24/7 grace teaching. I have a short program that runs on there called Growing in Grace, which I record with a friend. I invite you to listen to our program. I say this not to self-promote, but to offer something that I believe is a great aid in being established in grace. :) All our past programs can be downloaded from

You have a great friend in Jul and the others! Grace and peace to you!!

Nick Cameron said...

Wow guys thanks for your encouragements! Julie - I really encourage you to write your story I did something similar a number of years ago on a different issue and so many people have contacted me cos they could identify and it was real! So go for it, keep it real and bless lots of other people!

Had a long chat with my husband last night about grace (may have to blog out of the conversation) but was really challenged to immerse myself in grace completely!

Joel - thanks SO SO much for your encouragement! I think it is fair to say in recent days I have realised just how much unlearning I have to do and that in itself is daunting and discouraging but your comment 'allow yourself time' is such a liberating grace phrase! I will check out the sites you suggest - thanks!

God seems to be planting lots of encouraging people around me to actually be free in grace - it seems to be coming from most directions but the battle is on - some of the stuff the enemy chucks in there is crazy!

Bless you guys.....lots!!!!