Saturday, 8 August 2009

Grace and molds?

Been thinking a lot recently about the mold of what I think I should be like as a Christian, perhaps the mold that I think others have for me, the expectations others have of me, the mold that perhaps I even try to put on myself. I am sure others have the same thoughts some time.

And then......well then I think about grace and it hits me - with grace there is no set mold that I have to fit in to. With grace there is nothing I have to do to 'fit in', with grace I am 100% accepted just as I am right now, grace turns the concept of 'I have to be like this' completely on his head. Now it is learning to really get these truths about grace from my head to my heart, to not just be right on the good days but to be true and real to me on the bad days, the lone moments, the times when the tears fall, when grief seems overwhelming and that is the challenge for the moment - for listening to the voice of grace even when things are tough and everything points to the 'you're rubbish syndrome.'

Anyone else battle with this????

1 comment:

lydia said...

Too many cookie cutter christians running around these days. If God wanted robots he would have made them to begin with. But isn't it great that He made each of us unique and He celebrates each one of us for who we are!! Grace lets us dig deep inside and allow the color we have to come out on display for all the world to see!!

"Be who you is, cause if you is who you ain't, then you ain't who you is!" (not sure who originally quoted that but I heard it from Greg Haslam)

Peace to you Nick!! Blessings on your journey!!!