Monday, 6 June 2016

Constant Refuge Area

On Saturday Malcolm and I were on the motorway and we drove past a sign that said 'Emergency Refuge Area.'  We got talking about the verse in Psalm 46:1 'God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.'  We smiled as we thought about how God is a constant refuge - whether we are in a state of emergency or not.  We chatted about how He doesn't just act as somewhere to shelter, to phone for help, to pull aside from the flow of life and traffic but that He is more than just a constant hard shoulder on the motorway but that He is like having a full time pit crew, service station, every facility, every need you may have can be met - His resources are limitless and they are all just there.  There is no queuing, there is no wondering, He is a CONSTANT and totally 100% able and reliable refuge!

Our conversation moved on to the words in that verse which has been so precious to us across many years - the words refuge, strength and help and how the verse would sound if we emphasised the full meaning of those words.  This is what we came up with:-

God is our refuge, hideaway, place of safety, safe haven, shelter, protection, security, retreat, hiding place, place of safe keeping, place of peace, our place where we are free from danger and our strength, stability, power, our source, our constant robust God, solid ground, our might, our energy; an ever-present help, aid, assistance, the leg up we need, our rescuer, our Saviour, our solution, comfort, support, advisor, encouragement and guidance in trouble.

Be encouraged today that your God is an ever-present totally constant, consistent, always there kind of a God - He is there in emergencies but He is also there for the every day!!!! Hallelujah!