Monday, 18 April 2016

Look Up!

Last week my computer at work wouldn't work.  I switched off to reboot it - I am one of those people that always turns off something and restarts it if it doesn't work properly the first time!  As I waited for my computer to close down and restart I looked out of my window.  This is what I was looking at:

I began to feel that God was speaking to me as this was the bigger picture that morning:

I felt like God was telling me to shift my focus; to look up, to look at His beauty.  My focus shifted, my view shifted and this became my view from my office window!

I went from feeling down to worshiping Him because He is altogether glorious!
Sometimes in life our focus is occupied with the tough situations, perhaps the mundane, the list of things to do, the cares and worries of our daily lives but if we just looked up all those things would become smaller in the light of our glorious God!