Friday 31 May 2019

When Daddy is there

Last night we noticed a tiny baby bird in our paper recycling box. He was scared, cold, alone and probably hungry. My husband took the baby bird and popped him in the middle of our patio where we could see him and Malcolm retreated to indoors. We stood for ages watching the little fella who looked so forlorn and chilly. We searched the internet for advice on blue tit fledglings and what to do if they fall from the nest. Last weekend we sat in the garden listening to the cheeps of the babies in their nest as we watched the parents fly back and forth with food. Now we stood in our kitchen with a side window open to the sound of silence. The nest was quiet; the fledgling weak and weary; he offered a rare feeble cheep.  As we searched the internet for advice it all said not to worry if you had touched it or moved it - the parents aren’t affected by the smell but leave the fledgling alone and the parents will come. You may not see them but they will be watching and will hear their little one.

Fifteen minutes passed - the tiny bird looked so little, weak, hungry and cold. Our hearts desperately wanted to help; to make it all ok, to feed the little one, to warm him up but our web searches and our heads knew we weren’t equipped to help this little’un.  And then from out of nowhere Daddy bird appeared - he saw what was needed and immediately flew for food and returned within what seemed seconds. For the next 10 minutes we watched ‘Daddy’ as we called him (although it may have been Mummy :) ) ; fly backwards and forwards with food, after food, after food. With each visit the be-draggled, forlorn little fledgling seemed to improve. He wasn’t shivering anymore, he started to stand a bit taller, his strength renewed; he hopped off to behind a nearby flower pot. With every visit you could feel both our relief and the relief of that parent bird.  We saw the fledgling now situated somewhere safe for the night, fed, warm and being cared for.

This little event got me thinking about our Abba Father. Sometimes we feel isolated, weary, at the end of our resources, we don’t know where to to turn or who can help us. Perhaps others around us want to help but aren’t equipped to help (just like us with the fledgling). What we need is Daddy, our Abba. Perhaps our cries feel feeble, weak or pitiful in the sheer expanse of our situation but just as the internet said about the fledgling's parents - you may not see them but they are there and watching; they will hear their little one! So it is with God we may not see Him but be assured He is there, He is watching, He will hear and He will fly to your side. Song of Songs (chapter 2: 8) talks about the Lover of our Souls leaping over mountains to get to us; to be with us. Wowzers! That is amazing He comes swiftly, eagerly, nothing will get in the way of Him coming to our aid, to caring for us, for restoring us, for refreshing us, for energizing us, for strengthening us, for reviving us! When it feels like there is nowhere to turn and you sit be-draggled on the massive expanse of the patio of life; where there is nowhere to turn, where hope feels gone and weakness seems huge.  At that point know your Abba is watching, listening, hearing your every feeble cry. He knows what you need! Call out to Him, look for Him and surely He will answer with the very care, tenderness, strength, wisdom and love of a parent who wants the best for His children.

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